
  • November 2024 Budget Roundup

    Welcome to my monthly spending and budget update where I review our monthly expenses and expenditures. November 2024 was a busy month. I started back at work after my maternity leave, we visited family, saw friends, celebrated Thanksgiving over two back to back days which overwhelmed our baby. Anyways, I think we started to successfully cut back spending a little but I’ll get into detail later on. 

  • Weekly Meal Plan 12/1

    Welcome to my weekly meal plan! Every week I try to put together a meal plan with some new recipes, some easy recipes, and a yummy mix of food. In the last part of my pregnancy and until recently postpartum, we relied heavily on convenience foods but that was starting to make me feel a little icky and bored. 

    I also want my daughter to see us eating a lot of different foods, be exposed to cooking, and eventually hopefully eat a variety of foods herself. She is approaching 4 months old so I’m scheming about introducing solids to her in the next few months. 

  • Weekly Meal Plan: 11/23/24

    This is the first weekly meal plan I am going to write and I really hope I can stick with these every week. My goal as a working mom is to have a mix of easy to medium meals we can pick and choose from partially based on the season and partially based on what our week looks like. I primarily cook but my husband chips in depending on how things are going. Since having a baby, these last three months have been filled with boxed mac and cheese, bagged salads, and meals involving multiple frozen aspects. 

  • October 2024 Budget Roundup

    Welcome to my monthly spending update where I go over our budget spending. October 2024 was a busy month. It was my last month of maternity leave (maybe but the details are confusing) and was a month where we tried to cut back spending but failed. 
